lunedì 8 gennaio 2018

La democrazia in America?

Ieri sera Rai tre ha trasmesso il film Free State of Jones di Gary Ross. È un dramma storico ambientato durante la guerra di secessione americana e racconta la storia vera del contadino Newton Knight e del suo bis-bis-nipote di Newton, arrestato 85 anni dopo e condannato a cinque anni di carcere sulla base di leggi del Mississippi che impedivano, all'epoca, matrimoni misti tra persone di razze diverse. Infatti, il nipote risultava per un ottavo di discendenza nera. Quella legge fu abrogata negli Stati del Sud solo nel 1967! In alcuni Stati del Nord tale legge non è mai stata abrogata.

In 1967, 17 Southern states (all the former slave states plus Oklahoma) still enforced laws prohibiting marriage between whites and non-whites. Maryland repealed its law in response to the start of the proceedings at the Supreme Court. After the ruling of the Supreme Court, the remaining laws were no longer enforceable. Nonetheless, it took South Carolina until 1998 and Alabama until 2000 to amend their states' constitutions to remove language prohibiting miscegenation. In the respective referendums, 62% of voters in South Carolina and 59% of voters in Alabama voted to make the amendments. In Alabama nearly 526,000 people voted against the amendment, including a majority of voters in some rural counties.

In 2009, Keith Bardwell, a justice of the peace in Robert, Louisiana, refused to officiate a civil wedding for an interracial couple. A nearby justice of the peace, on Bardwell's referral, officiated the wedding; the interracial couple sued Keith Bardwell and his wife Beth Bardwell in federal court. After facing wide criticism for his actions, including from Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Bardwell resigned on November 3, 2009.

Negli Stati Uniti d’America la democrazia è solo un’enorme impostura. La segregazione razziale è un dato di fatto.

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